This is EZ to understand. 

Climate change is real and unfortunately humans contribute to it.

I’m sure you’ve seen the incredibly stunning worlds built in many games and movies. It is in your hands to preserve our magnificent planet for us and our future generations. Would you not want to see what amazing things the future holds for us instead of wild fires, hurricanes, climate disaster, starvation and floods? 

Facts you need to know:

Green House Gases - gases, like carbon dioxide (CO2),  that cause global warming and that are emitted into the atmosphere because of human activity

  1. ⅕ (20%) of the green house gases emitted today will stay in the atmosphere for at least 10,000 years!
  2. Increase of just 1-2 degrees will cause more damage that you and I could have imagined
  3. As more people continue to game and stream, the emission from gaming will increase the emission of green house gases by 30-40% which is significant!
  4. We emit 51 billion tons of green house gases per year!
  5. In California, wildfires occur 5 times more often now than in 1970s.

What can you do to preserve the planet? 

You, your family and friends, us and everyone on the planet can make a significant step forward that will help to prevent the climate disaster.

Save Money & Help the Planet

Buying organically grown products is one way to help the planet. You should understand the benefits and what is the logic behind buying organic products:

  1. Does not harm the environment 
  2. Higher quality - lasts longer. You will actually save money by buying organic clothes. For example, buy 1 t-shirt for $35 that lasts many years, or keep buying a t-shirt every year / every 6 months.
    1. non-organic T-shirts for $20 each in 2 years = up to $80
      1. You save $45 (80-35)
    2. Non organic T-shirts for $30 each in 2 years = up to $120
      1. You save $85 (120-35)
    3. Non organic T-shirt for $40 each in 2 years = up to $160
      1. You save $125 (160-35)
    4. Well, by this point you get the idea - you save money to buy other products 
  3. Of course, organic cotton is softer and more durable.
Buy reusable products such as reusable water bottles! 

  1. Create less waste 
  2. Always have something on the move
  3. Keeps your drinks cold and/or warm

Check out our shop by clicking the link below or just look in the menu above!

Sustainable eco-friendly products, clothes for gamers

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