Shockingly EZ 5 Ways To Save Money and The Planet
As I write this, I’m sitting in my shorts, sipping on iced coffee/water and wishing I had an air conditioner in my apartment while squirrels are fighting for a plastic bottle that someone left on the ground. The UK, for example, will experience record high temperatures this year and 40C temperatures will be happening at least every 4 years by 2090 vs every 1,000 years in 1971.
In the future, these events will occur more frequently: record high temperatures, devastating floods, hurricanes and wildfires that cause millions of people to reallocate every year losing their homes and businesses.
I’m sure you’ve seen the incredibly stunning worlds built in many games and movies or imagined them while reading books or dreaming. It is in your hands to preserve our magnificent planet for us and our future generations. Would you not want to see what amazing things the future holds for us instead of wildfires, hurricanes, climate disasters, starvation and floods?
We emit 51 billion tons of greenhouse gases per year! In California, wildfires occur 5 times more often now than in 1970s. You get the point - we have tons of information that we will be providing to you if you sign up.
I am sure that most of you know what you are about to read, but it is still important to remind you, as there is a difference between knowing and acting :) (talking from experience :) After all, I sat down and wrote this)
Finally, How to Save Money and Help Climate Change without Too Much Effort in No Time - Guaranteed
1. Plastic
You know this… the less plastic we use, the more fish and animals we save which preserves our ecosystem. Any food whether it is fish, vegetables, or meat are all part of ecosystem and require it to function. For example, insects eat some insects which helps plants, animals feed on plants and insects and so on…SOLUTION:
- buy reusable water bottles, cups and straws
- Buy food that use environmentally friendly packaging
- Reuse containers for storage
- Pack your lunch in reusable containers. Keep your coffee in a reusable bottle
Some coffee shops offer discounts to those who bring their own cups. Replacing plastic bags, plastic bottles and paper towels with more durable items will also cut down on waste and save money.
Click on the image to find out more about it
2. Use a bike to get to work if you can. You know the reasons :) Become healthier and more sustainable
Buying a £200-600 bike will save you £80-300 per year.
3. Buy from a sustainable clothing brand
The fashion industry globally accounts for 4-5% of carbon emission per year
How does this save money you might ask? Sustainable clothe are made out of Organic & Eco-friendly materials. While the upfront cost can be more expensive than non-sustainable, the items are made to last so you save money in the long run!
Check out our website for what we have to offer
Use the discount code gg5% for 5% Off
4. Work form home!
Now you have a concrete reason to work from home :) less travelling, more eating at home - you know the reasons
5. Cut out the food waste
Plan your meals, don’t waste food, and buy & cook in bulk if you can -> no food wasted, money saved, and healthier + a new hobby - cooking if you haven’t started:)